Sunday, July 03, 2011

Firecracker 5k Road Race Results

The results from the Firecracker 5km road race have been posted on the Track North website at:

Congratulations and thanks to Katie Maziarski, who was the main organizer for the race and Dave McGill who was the driving force behind it. Also thanks to Vince & Lise Perdue, Judy and Katelyn Roberts, Bill Thompson, Frank and Sally Lesk, Verna Tallman, Karen and Dale Caverson, the Maziarski clan, Dr. Lawrie Oliphant, Amanda Kosmerly, and the many other volunteers who came out to help!

The race raised $1300 for the Laurentian Women's XC/Track team!

You can see a large number of photos from the race (taken by Sally Lesk) on the Laurentian PhotoBucket site at the following link (photos can be downloaded):

P.S. There were a lot of TNOR and LU alumni in attendance, including Natalie Lefort, Andre Lefort, Kerry Lamarche (Salmoni), Caitie Wylie (Bowerman), Dave Endleman, Neil Phipps, Todd Withers, Lauren Paille (Hotti) and Brent Walker.

P.S. Katelyn Roberts, who volunteered at the finish line last night and just graduated from the Radiation Therapy course at Laurentian, will soon be starting her first job at the cancer centre in St. John's Newfoundland! Congrats!